Kimberly's Harp Story: Inspiration

Kimberly (Houser) Taylor has been inspiring me since she was a talented and dedicated teenager! She has modelled for me a thirst for exploration, self discovery and bravely taking artistic risks.

I was thrilled when she agreed to be a guest writer for this space. I’ve divided her answers to my question prompts into four posts: Inspiration, Exploring, Lessons, and Practice and Progress.
So here is part one: Thoughts on Inspiration

When do you get your best ideas?

I am always getting ideas. It is focusing on and completing them that is my challenge. My brain likes to churn out ideas when I am trying to go to sleep, or as I am rehearsing, or when I am gardening.

For me the trick is to follow the idea through. I have gotten in the habit of jotting down ideas as I get them. I tend to keep a notebook with me, or have a scrap of paper around I write ideas on. Sometimes these go into a pile that I will go through later and go, “Wow, what a great idea!”

If I acted on all of my ideas I would burn myself out very quickly. I have had to learn better self care and life/ work balance in order to avoid this. Too much productivity is an enemy to my health and well being.

I also tend to get distracted by the needs of others. I do not naturally prioritize my own needs, I have had to learn to do so. I have learned I need those moments of deep quiet just to sit and be and wander.

Do you find inspiration through other art forms or in nature?

Yes, both are true. Nature is the Art of the Earth. Art forms are the art of our existences. I think that the true art is a life lived the best you can. What is “best” is entirely individual for each one of us. Our “arts,” our “creations'' are a bi product of a life lived.

For me, life itself, this world and all of its oddities, bumps, and beauties is a constant source of inspiration. All you have to do is be still and observe.

Here is Kimberly playing “Clouds” from Log Cabin Sketches by Margaret Hoberg.

What kind of music do you like to listen to?

My favorite thing to listen to is birdsong. It never fails to intrigue my mind.

My husband listens to a lot more music than I do and when he listens I also hear. He is more into popular genres, particularly bands from the 70’s and 80’s. Those were the years when I spent most of my musical time going “harp, harp, harp” . I had no time to really get into the popular music of that time. Plus, I was discouraged from listening to it because my family was very conservative.

I have discovered a love for a songwriter/guitarist named Richard Thompson. I have discovered the Incredible String Band, and I really like Tom Waits and Concrete Blonde. As for classical artists. I like Lang Lang and Nigel Kennedy. And I like to listen to anybody play Chopin. I really love to listen to Early Music. The Jordi Savall station on Pandora is one of my favorites.

Do you have thoughts on where your inspiration comes from? Questions or appreciation for Kimberly? I look forward to your comments!

Harpist, Kimberly Taylor