Harping Cats and Dogs

For lever or pedal harp, most pieces are two pages


This playful collection has some very easy pieces. The most difficult, “Baron’s Blues”, is a jazzy piece that is actually easier to play on the lever harp than on the pedal harp, because all the “accidentals” use lever pre-sets. This is also true of “Walkin’ Wally.

Danny Solves the Mystery This piece sounds much more difficult than it is. Hands cross, but rarely play at the same time.
Range: F1-A5
Level 1, uses lever or pedal preset D#,

Lullaby for Smokey gently puts the hands together in easy patterns.
Range: E2-C5
Level 1 C Major

Walkin’ Wally is more challenging, but my students enjoyed it so much they practiced! 60’s rock vamp and walking bass makes it fun.
Range: E2-D6
Level 2, 2 sharps and E flat needed. Pedal changes for pedal harp.

Grumpy Dreams of Flying mysterious and dreamy. Glissandi throughout most of this piece creates the effect.
Range: C1-G5
Level 2, E# preset

Chasing Buddy is fast and cute, just like the Jack Russel Terrier it’s named after.
Range: B2-D5
Level 2, D#, F#

Baron’s Blues is supposed to sound like a whiny puppy who just wants someone to play with him. Not too fast!
Range: A2-CC6
Level 2B, pedal/lever changes A#, F#

Forest Friends has a new age feel with the additional benefit of being an etude for interval practice.
Range: E2-G4
Level 2, a minor (all naturals)

Buckwheat’s Baby is a study on I, IV and V7 chords. Named for a sweet baby goat.
Range: A2-G4
Level 2, C Major

Danny sample.png
Walkin' Wally.png
Grumpy Dreams of Flying.png
Chasing Buddy
Forest Friends.png

What you have told me about Harping Cats and Dogs

Students & teachers have shared they use these pieces for:
Performing in themed recitals
Performing in school concerts for their friends
Performing in competitions and adjudications

Adult harpists shared they are using these pieces for:
Demonstrating the harp for children
Playing for children in hospitals
Performing fundraisers for the Humane Society

Thank you for sharing how you are using this music!

If you would like to add your thoughts on any of the pieces in this collection, please contact me through the link provided, or via Facebook.