Distant Ayres Collection

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For late intermediate harp and flute (or C melody instrument), three concert and wedding worthy arrangements in this collection from the CD “Distant Ayres” by RoseWynde: Kathryn Cater, Harp, and Sandy Duffy Norman, Flute.

How Can I Keep from Singing, Be Thou My Vision, Suil a Grah / Banish Misfortune

How Can I Keep from Singing
Pedal Harp is recommended, as there are two key changes, and as many as four sharps. Three pages (Three verses)

How Can I Keep from Singing1.png
How Can I Keep from Singing2.png
How Can I Keep from Singing3.png

Suil a Ghra / Banish Misfortune
Beautiful, mournful Suil a Ghra, followed by the lively & cheerful Banish Misfortune makes a wonderful concert set.


All clips are from Distant Ayres by RoseWynde. Complete tracks are available digitally through Itunes or Amazon.
You may also purchase the CD on this website or on Amazon.
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Be Thou My Vision
A very sweet setting of the hymn, with a more dramatic bridge section. (See larger sample below) Pedal changes in this section would be challenging for lever harp, and it modulates to four flats.
